One of HKGP’s objectives is to drive research in genomic medicine and related fields. After examining the de-identified data generated by the Project, research entities may wish to invite individual participants to join additional research studies, such as clinical trials for drugs.
You can decide if the Project team may contact you in the future and ask if you are open to taking part in other research outside the scope of HKGP. This decision is voluntary and separate from your decision in joining HKGP. Whether you agree to future contact from the team will have no impact on your participation in the Project. HKGI will not transfer your contact information to other research institutions/personnel without your consent.
If you do agree to being contacted about future research studies, HKGI will use the information provided to contact you should the occasion arises. You can then decide whether to participate in further research. If you agree to this option of future contact in the consent form, but later decide to exit HKGP, you will not receive further invitation on research outside the scope of HKGP.