1.Main Findings HKGI will prepare for you a detailed report to aid in the clinical diagnosis and care for your family member’s or your condition. The Project team call this type of report a “Main Findings” report. It includes genetic variants that are classified as pathogenic/likely pathogenic according to the latest international guidelines. …
Journey Type: Provision of Sequencing Results and Reports
Reporting of Additional Findings (Optional)
In addition to the Main Findings, genomic analysis may also identify vast numbers of other genetic variants, leading to a cornucopia of information related to genetic diseases and health risks. This additional information is called the “Additional Findings”, in which the identified variant is not related to the participant’s primary health concern but has adequate…
Exclusions from the Report
“Whole Genome Sequencing” studies yield an abundance of information. Based on global experiences in other genome projects, project participants may feel overwhelmed if bombarded with a large amount of complex information in a short period of time. HKGI is following the practices of other international genome projects by not listing the following findings in their…